Can I inherit my mother’s mobile home?

Q: My mother passed away suddenly and the mobile home I currently live in it and it is in her name. She left no will but may have wrote something. I am also concerned with medical providers putting a lien on the home.

A: If you have no other siblings, or, have siblings that have no interest in the mobile home and will waive it over to you, you may be able to inherit it with some sort of small estate petition. Under PA law, mobile homes are not considered to be realty, but are viewed as personal property, like a motor vehicle. Small Estate Petitions can be used to settle an estate when the property is not real estate and does not exceed $50,000.00. You may want to check if there are any liens on it, or judgments against your mother that would attach to this asset before you get involved with it. I would talk to the trailer park people or association for information and take any paperwork you can to a lawyer. (West Mifflin, PA)

If you feel like this issue relates to you, or a problem that you are experiencing, please contact me so that we can discuss your situation.