Q: Signed a compromise and release with insurance company, Doctor bills still not payed from them, going to collection in 10 days. This was all agreed upon at court and Insurance Company is to pay for my Surgery also, with recovery. What are my options at this point? Surgery is already scheduled in 3 weeks.

A:  If you did not have a lawyer draft this settlement agreement with the insurance company, you need to review it carefully to see if what you signed obligates the insurance company to pay your continuing treatment. If you are not sure, take it to a lawyer for review. If the lawyer agrees with your assessment, he or she can threaten litigation and if necessary, file a breach of contract, or possible a bad faith claim against the insurance company. If the contract is clear, the insurance company could be dragging their feet and hoping you go away.

If you feel like this issue relates to you, or a problem that you are experiencing, please contact me so that we can discuss your situation.