Q. Is it possible that i can become my aunt power of attorney? Her mental state of mind is going downhill and she has no children. The friend that she was staying with just recently died. He was the one that took care of her. Helped her pay her bills and keep up with her hygiene. Right now she is staying with me but i don’t feel as though I am capable of taking care of her myself.
A. Yes, I assume you can become the agent on a Power of Attorney for your aunt, unless there is some reason you cannot. A General Durable Power of Attorney (GDPOA) is probably recommended but you really need to sit down with an attorney and discuss all of the facts. She needs to be mentally competent to sign a GPOA. Don’t wait longer to do so, as her condition may deteriorate and render her incompetent to sign. You may also need to contact the Department of Aging to see what help you can get. An attorney can also advise you about applying for Medicaid if she has insufficient money to pay for her care.