Tag Archives: CIVIL DEMAND

Is there any legal way to get out of civil demand letter from Walmart?

Q: I got a Civil demand letter from attorney representing Walmart in a retail theft, shoplifting case. It states pay to $150 to us in addition to and/or in addition to criminal charges. In FAQ section of recovery pay it states civil demand is for security etc but also to serve as deterrent against shoplifting as well as punishment for the crime. How can they punish me criminally if the loss prevention guy said that I’ll be getting a summons in the mail for the incident?? To date I haven’t received this alleged summons in the mail. Paying the civil demand would be better than going through the court. (West Mifflin, Pa)

A: Normally, most attorneys advise clients to ignore the civil demand letter especially if it is from an out of state collections attorney. However, I have had more situations over the past two years where my negotiation for a withdrawal of the charges, included paying the civil demand. It depends. An attorney can guide you through this. As advised, they can still prosecute you even if you pay the civil demand. You can try negotiating a global release of criminal and civil liability, but I would do this through an attorney.


I received a civil claim letter demanding 180 dollars. Do I have to pay it?

Q:I am 16 years old. I was caught shoplifting 30 dollars worth of merchandise. I was detained until someone came to pick me up, though no one came so they released me. No police were involved. I had to sign 2 or 3 papers, I was so nervous I didn’t read what I signed. They took down my info including my social security number. Yesterday, I received a civil claim letter demanding 180 dollars. Do I have to pay it? What happens if I don’t? I don’t have the money too.

A: These civil demands are generally from some out of town law firm who will not sue you in your local court over a $150 or $200 demand. Most attorneys advise to ignore them. However, there have been instances in which I had to be creative in persuading the store employee and DA into dropping the charges. In those situations, I used payment of the civil demand along with other things I had my client do before the hearing, as a justification for a dismissal. Payment of the civil demand, although not necessary, was one more positive factor weighing in favor of my client when I was able to convince the judge to dismiss the charges. I would say, do not rush to pay it and seek the advice of an attorney before doing so. The attorney can also advise you as to whether your case should be in juvenile court or not.


Q. Do I need to pay a “Civil Demand” from Wal-Mart’s lawyer?Last year, on approximately May 28th, 2012, I made the big mistake of stealing from Wal-Mart. It was a 422.00 bathing suit, and looking back now I realize it was a stupid idea. This was my first ever offense. They took me into the front of the store and called the police. I had to pay a fine from the court for $300, which I completely paid off back in November (payment plan). Today I received a letter from some law offices stating that I needed to pay $150 in civil restitution. Do I have to pay this civil demand? Why would they send it almost 9 months after the incident? Like I said, I paid my fine with the court and the law has not bothered me about it. I was always on time with my payments. And now suddenly I have a $150 demand for “damages”. Help please?

A: You were charged with a misdemeanor which obviously they lowered to a summary offense which is punishable up to a $300.00 fine or 90 days in jail and you received the fine. If this was your first offense, this is unfortunate as an attorney may have been able to get the charges reduced by getting the DA to agree to a diversionary program. If it was not your first offense or the DA would not offer a program, then the deal you received was fair. As far as the civil judgment, do not pay it, especially if the criminal case was resolved. It is most likely from some out of state law office who is not going to hire an Allegheny County attorney to sue you for a couple hundred dollars. These companies or law firms that provide this service for the department store send these letters to everyone who is arrested by the store they have contracted. Most people that are charged feel it will somehow benefit their case and pay without first consulting with a lawyer.


Q. Do I need to pay a “Civil Demand” from Wal-Mart’s lawyer?Last year, on approximately May 28th, 2012, I made the big mistake of stealing from Wal-Mart. It was a 422.00 bathing suit, and looking back now I realize it was a stupid idea. This was my first ever offense. They took me into the front of the store and called the police. I had to pay a fine from the court for $300, which I completely paid off back in November (payment plan). Today I received a letter from some law offices stating that I needed to pay $150 in civil restitution. Do I have to pay this civil demand? Why would they send it almost 9 months after the incident? Like I said, I paid my fine with the court and the law has not bothered me about it. I was always on time with my payments. And now suddenly I have a $150 demand for “damages”. Help please?

A: You were charged with a misdemeanor which obviously they lowered to a summary offense which is punishable up to $300.00 or 90 days in jail and you received the fine. If this was your first offense, this is unfortunate as an attorney may have been able to get the charges reduced by getting the DA to agree to a diversionary program. If it was not your first offense or the DA would not offer a program, then the deal you received was fair. As far as the civil judgment, do not pay it. It is most likely from some out of state law office who is not going to hire an Allegheny County attorney to sue you for a couple hundred dollars