Tag Archives: ELDER LAW

My fiancés grandfather is living with us. Are we liable?

Q: My fiancé’s grandfather is 92 and has some type of dementia. He was living with his daughter who is his caregiver, but they had a fight and he moved with us at his house. The house is not safe for an elderly and he stays home for over 10 hours while we work which is very concerning to me. Are we liable if something happens to him? My fiancé’s aunt just dropped him in our lap without any information about his medication and things he needs or things he can’t have. My fiancé’s grandfather was the one who decided to move in with us. He is not able to make decisions of his own. I need to know what I can do to get him to a safe place and are we responsible for anything that happens to him or is his daughter liable for it? Please help. Thank you.

A: Your fiancés aunt sounds like a real sweet lady. If I understand this, he owns the house and you and his granddaughter are living in it? If you do not want to take care of him, call the Adult Protective Services to assess his ability to live alone. Then you can move out and he is on his own. If you want to help him, you need to have him assessed by a doctor. This will give you an idea of the level of care he needs. You can reach out to and senior citizens care groups or perhaps get a referral from his doctor. He may need in home care, or possibly assisted living. If he has social security and a pension, he should be able to afford this. You should also seek the advice of an elder law attorney. If this man is competent, he should execute a Will and a Power of Attorney. If he is not competent the attorney can advise you about a guardianship. You should also be advised of how Medicaid would impact the situation, if he needed to apply for benefits. It will certainly be the right thing to do and honorable if you decide to help him, but it could be a lot of work.

What if the person acting as power of Attorney has taken the money?

Q: She transferred his money into her account. No one knows in what bank. How can he get his money, vehicles, business’s, house’s back from her? (Bridgeville, PA)

A:  More facts are needed. If she abused the Power of Attorney by stealing money from the Principal, this would be a violation of the POA and would be a crime. However, and again, more information is needed. You would need an attorney to review the Power of Attorney document and advise accordingly.

What if the person is not competent enough to sign POA?

Q: My father is currently in a rehabilitation facility and POA has been granted to an in-law I don’t trust. He has early onset Alzheimer’s Disease and is unable to articulate full sentences. How would I go about transferring the POA to myself so that I can better assist him with his needs? (Pittsburgh, PA)

A: Your father can only execute a new Power of Attorney if he is competent. Ask his physician or the Social Worker in the rehab facility if in their opinion he is. If he is not competent, you can file in Orphan’s Court to be his Guardian. You will need an attorney. The attorney can advise as to your chances of being appointed by a judge to be Guardian over the present Agent on the POA if he or she should challenge you.

How do I get my son off my deed?

Q: I have a legal mess on my hands. Me and my son co-own a home. He has done over $15,000 worth of damage to a home we co-own. I had Service Master in here and got a quote. It is a biohazard environment due to his needles, urine, feces and any type of valuable scrap metal he ripped off the home to sell for drugs. We both pitched in $15,000 each for the home. He has done nothing but devalue the home. What legal rights do I have. I currently have a PFA on him due to the past year of receiving 5 beatings for money. I am disabled and no can no longer take this somebody please advise.

A: As far as what you can do about the physical abuse from your son, you can file for a Protection from Abuse Order, which it sounds like you have done. You can also file criminal charges if he assaults you or threatens you with serious bodily injury. As for getting him off the deed to the house, there are two ways this can be done. The easiest way is for him to sign a new deed to you. The other way is through court by filing an Action for Partition of Real Estate. This type of suit can be expensive and time consuming.

How does POA work when you have siblings?

Q: How does power of attorney work in cases where the parent is no longer there, mentally, has offspring, and has NOT written anything in the will about power of attorney? If one of his children asks to get power of attorney because of his/her parent’s weakened metal state, is it given to that sibling without informing the others first? Suppose that sibling happens to be a con-artist, hoping to take his/her parent for all his money? Lastly, where do you go to get power of attorney in this case? The state? Hire an attorney? (North Strabane Twp., PA)

A: So long as they are competent, a person can sign a Power of Attorney which appoints anyone he or she chooses as Agent. The Agent does not have to be the person’s spouse or child. A person who becomes appointed under a POA, has no duty to tell anyone, including his or her siblings. It is best to have an attorney consult with the person who is designating the power, the principle, assess his or her competency, then if appropriate, prepare the Power of Attorney. Depending on what you mean by the parent “…no longer there, mentally…” could affect whether the parent is competent to sign a POA. You can consult with an attorney or take this parent to one.

Can my brother who is POA do a living trust for mom?

Q: My brother has POA over my mom’s assets. Can he change her will and estate into a living trust without her signature or notary? He says he can. (Pittsburgh, PA)

A: Generally, the Power of Attorney documents must specifically empower the agent to create trusts, or for your brother to do so. You should have the trust instrument reviewed by an attorney. An Agent on a Power of Attorney cannot execute a will for a Principal, nor change it.

Do I return the money?

Q: I got a gift from elderly person. On the check memo it say “gift”. Now he in nursing home and his niece ask me to give money back. I worked for this elderly couple for three years. She is gone. (Pittsburgh, PA)

A: More information is needed. Most importantly, was the elderly person lucid and competent when they made this “gift”? If not, many problems can arise for you. You can possibly be charged with a crime or investigated for elder abuse or sued in civil court. It all depends on the ALL of the facts. If this is a significant amount of money I would consult with a lawyer and do not spend the money until this is resolved.

Is a POA entitled to payment from estate?

Q: My father’s personal injury attorneys created a Power of Attorney and I was the Agent. I served in that capacity for about 2.5 years. The estate is being settled exclusively by the probate/estate attorney.

A: Possibly. If the Power of Attorney authorizes payment of a fee for Agent services performed, then yes. If not, then no. If the POA authorizes payment of the Agent, you can submit a bill to the Executor.

Must I wait for funeral home to sign their forms?

Q: My Aunt passed away in January. Her husband passed many years ago. She gave me keys to her home. Years later she had me sign a paper making me a beneficiary on her insurance. 5 yrs ago I noticed signs of dementia. My cousin also spoke regularly with my aunt and worked for a wealthy family and went to prison for embezzlement. She married the son of a funeral home owner, that was accused of stealing from clients. He moved his family to the south. When my cousin got out she joined him. After his father passed they relocated back here and he took over. I used my aunts key 1 time when my daughter and I went in to clean up after her dog and bathroom before she came home from the hospital. My cousin manipulated her and accused me of stealing papers from the house. I had helped my aunt with a bankruptcy and didn’t need to steal. They disposed of everything she owned and put her in a nursing home where I would visit her. After she passed they called me to say I need to come sign papers to get a check. I told them I needed a lawyer to look at them. They didn’t look right so I called the insurance co, filled out the claim form, and no assignment papers. I asked for a check to me. (Valencia, PA)

A: What is the question? If in fact you are the beneficiary of an active insurance policy, generally, all you need to do is fill out their claim form and any other forms they want such as a death certificate and copy of your ID. You should then receive a check. I have no idea why the insurance company wanted you to come in. Perhaps they want you to sign the insurance proceeds over to them to pay for the funeral. If the policy is payable to you only, you have no obligation to do so. If your aunt assigned the policy to the funeral home, that is another matter. PA does have a filial law statute whereby certain next of kin are obligated to pay for medical debt of the indigent but let them explain how that applies to you.

Insurance company is suing my 90-year old dad with dementia?

Q: A homeowner’s insurance company insuring my downstairs neighbor’s unit has summoned my 90-year-old father to court on a 4K claim of subrogation for a leak to the neighbor’s unit. Insurance paid out and is now suing my dad for the 4K when he is in a Nursing Home on Medicaid 24-hours away with 7 years of dementia. I cannot find any lawyer in the area to represent him and cannot figure out what other steps to take on the case. There are no options to pay out or settle out of court. I have presented documents proving he would not be fit to stand in court that day. Any suggestions? The court date 5 hours drive from my home and 5-hour drive from dad’s Nursing home. (Monesson, PA)

A: Is he the building owner? How can he be on Medicaid if he owns a building? Having dementia, does not necessarily mean he is incompetent or relieved from testifying. Why doesn’t he have insurance? Regardless, if your father is incompetent to testify, or just due to physical and medical reasons cannot come to court, you may be able to have his presence excused. You may be required to get a court order if you want him to be totally relieved of testifying. If you are relieved of only the duty to have him come to court, a judge may allow the insurance company to take his deposition. If you can get a guardian order or judicial determination that he is incompetent to stand trial, they he would be relieved of all testimony-deposition or trial. I would need to know many more facts to properly advise.