Category Archives: Estate Law

Do I need a will? My children agree on everything?

QDo I need a will? I have no real estate, just bonds and a bank account. My 4 children know it is to be split up evenly and they agree with my wishes.

A: No attorney can answer this without more information. Do you have a wife? If so, she cannot be totally disinherited by you and can file an “election” against your estate. Do these assets pass directly to your children either in-trust-for or jointly? If there is no spouse and the assets pass directly, it could be a very simple process and your children would receive their inheritance, pay inheritance tax and there would be no need to open an estate. If you have no will (“intestate”)and these assets do not pass directly to the heirs, an estate will need to be opened and the assets will pass under the PA laws of intestate succession to the heirs equally. Under intestate law, if you have a deceased child, that child’s child or children will inherit the share of their parent. If you have a will you can choose to have the share of a deceased child instead pass to your surviving children or any one of your surviving children. You have more say in how your estate passes when you have a will. You can also choose which child will serve as your executor, which could avoid any potential disagreement among your children.  I would advise having a consultation with an estate attorney and having a simple will done.

Can someone with Alzheimer’s Disease sign a quit claim deed?

Q: I am a caregiver for an Alzheimer’s patient. I haven’t been paid for a year due to family of the patient mishandling of her finances. No one wants to care for her anymore now that all her funds are gone. I would like to know how can I protect myself so I don’t get cheated in the end, and someone be compensated for the job am doing. The only asset she has is her house and I would like to know if she can sign a deed or at least put my name on the title so I can have some say and not get kick to the curb after all my hard work

A: Having Alzheimer’s Disease doesn’t necessarily mean she is incompetent to sign a deed. However, if she is not competent she cannot sign a deed over to you. I am mystified as to how you are taking care of her and expecting payment without a written contract from her or her family. It is quite possible that at the end of her life, the family does not pay you. After she passes, if there is an estate opened, you can file a claim against the estate. If there is no estate opened, you can open one and file a claim against the estate or sue the family. In either case, you are swimming upstream without a written contract. You really need to get an agreement signed or you run the risk of not being reimbursed. If the family wants to pay you or wants to give you the house, it can be arranged legally. You should see a lawyer.

What options do I have with my terminally ill grandmother?

Q: What options do I have to ensure my terminally ill grandmother is receiving the best possible care during the end stage of her life. My grandmother is under hospice and living at my Uncles house in South East Florida. I am in PA. My mother was living there up until this week assisting the Hospice care team with the care of my grandmother. Not certain of the details but according to my mother, my uncle was violent with her and called the police to have my mother removed from the home. My Uncle claims to have POA over my grandmother although I have no idea if this is true or not. My mother claims he does not. I do not believe my grandmother has been deemed incapacitated, although again I have no way of finding out. I do know that she is of sound mind, but she is very weak and highly immobile as we have spoken. I am concerned I will not be able to see my Grandmother before she passes and I am really concerned about her quality of life.

A: This is more of a family dynamic problem than a legal problem. I would highly suggest trying to talk to your uncle and express your concerns. You may want to call the Hospice team and see if they will help convey your concern, but don’t count on them wanting to get involved in a family dispute. If you have to go legal, you can call the department of aging or social services agency in that county and see if they do home visits for the elderly. You can also seek a lawyer down there to advise you on what services are available and perhaps on what legal actions he can take such as a letter to your uncle expressing your concerns and requesting a copy of the POA. He can also advise you on the law of guardianships in Florida.

Is this Codicil legal?

Q: What is the probability of winning a contest to a codocil signed 2 days prior to death of a terminally ill cancer patient who is heavily medicated?  I was unaware that she was terminally ill and only found out from my Aunt Kathy (my mom’s sister) on Friday Sept. 27th. At that time my mother was being sent home from the hospital to die. I learned that she had liver cancer and a tumor in her lungs. She was given days to live. In May of 2013, my mom called me to let me know that she was working on her will and she needed some information from me. I thought nothing of this call as my husband’s parents and my stepmom and dad had also been making these arrangements. It seemed perfectly natural. She told me that Morgan (my daughter) and I were her primary beneficiaries and she told me that I would be the executor to her estate. I have a copy of my mother’s original will dated May 15th, 2013, that outlines pretty much exactly what I expected. You will also find a codicil dated September 27th, 2013 leaving her house, all contents of the house and car to Juanita Johnson. It also removes me as executor of her estate

A: This is a case that you really need to review all of the facts with an attorney. First the attorney can look at the Codicil to see if it is legally binding. Codicils are still permitted but must be executed with the same formality as a will-at least signed at the end by the testator. With the invention of word processors, hardly anyone, especially attorneys, draft Codicils anymore, which leads me to question who drafted it, and it’s legality. The attorney can also help you and advise you on how to gather information as to your mother’s state of mind at the time she executed this document. This can come from her doctor, hospital staff or other witnesses.

Can my step children inherit from me equally as my children?

Q: In my Will I have included both my children and my step children and I called them all “my children”. Is it permissible to include both natural children and step children as children in my will without further specifying? My intent is to treat them all equally.

A: As long as you make this clear in your will, they will inherit equally. You could state something specific in paragraph like, “It is my intent for the purposes of this my Last Will and Testament, that my step-children inherit from my estate as if they were my natural children.”

If there is a beneficiary listed, does the money go to the estate?

Q: What are my rights as beneficiary on deceased brother beneficiary designation form? My brother died without a will, but I am listed as one of his beneficiary on his employment form, the lawyers are stating that this goes money goes into the estate and is to be shared by everyone, is this correct? There are stock certificates, life insurance etc. that he marked and the lawyers won’t hand over the original certificates so that we can transfer them to our names. I am also one of the co-administrators. Please answer asap. Thank You.

A: I really would need to examine the documents to be certain with my advice. However, generally, if you are listed as a beneficiary on employee benefits like 401 Ks or pension or insurance, that is your money and not estate money. Generally, if you are a beneficiary, the company will prefer to talk to you and will not want to deal with the estate attorney. Call the company and ask if you are the beneficiary. They won’t lie to you. As to the other problems, estate issues, I am not sure why you are having a problem with the attorney as the executor/administrator generally can hire and fire an attorney for the estate. Maybe this is perhaps because you are not getting along with the other attorney. I highly advise you to see an independent lawyer versed in estate matters.

How do I keep a young girl away from taking advantage of my 87 year old father?

Q: While in a rehabilitation hospital, my father was getting taken care of by a young 29 something girl. After he left there, she managed to get his address and phone number. She has been to the house and calls him every day. This has been going on for seven months now. My mother has passed away so we moved my father to an assisted living facility 4 hours away from this girl. He is telling my sister and I that he loves her and is in love. She has got him convinced that he needs to go back to his house. There is money and property missing from the house and he keeps telling us that she is his friend. We are just so afraid that she is taking advantage of him but we don’t know what to do. He cannot live in the house alone. Any advice or direction would be go greatly appreciated

A: If he is mentally clear, there is little you can do except this. If you are sure money is missing, you can see if a police officer will take a report and at least talk to this girl. Not all police departments will do this, but some will. This may shake her up a bit. Dad should have a Power of Attorney at this point in his life so you need to talk to him and see if you can get him to a local attorney in order to address this. If you or someone in the family can serve as his Agent on a POA, you can file the POA with all the financial institutions where he has money on deposit and inform them to notify the Agent if any large or suspicious withdrawals are attempted. If your father is not clear headed and you cannot get him to sign a POA, then your only option besides letting this girl know she is being watched and hoping she will get the message and go away is to file for a Guardianship of your father in court. This is somewhat expensive and requires the assistance of a lawyer. I would sit down with a lawyer and discuss all of the facts before you decide what to do.

If I sign my house over to my daughter, how do I get the sale proceeds?

Q: If I sign my house over to my daughter, can she sign something that says I would receive all proceeds from a sale? I am a senior who lives in an assisted living facility. I have a house that I am trying to sell and I am also concerned about costs. I thought about putting the house in my daughter’s name, making her the responsible party for these costs. Is there a way she can sign something that legally says I could receive all proceeds from the sale of the house?

A:  The simple answer is yes, and the best way to protect you is to have an attorney prepare a mortgage note and mortgage instrument to file with the court. However, this is not a simple question. If you are elderly, and there is any chance that you may need to apply for Medicaid in the future you may want to consult with an elder law attorney versed in Medicaid law. Medicaid has a five year look back on all transfers of property without consideration (i.e., gifts to relatives) and Medicaid could rule you ineligible because of such a transfer. Also, understand that many realty taxing bodies like school districts and counties offer discounts to senior citizens which may be rescinded if title is transferred. You really need to sit down with an attorney and discuss your options.

What holds more ground a will or a deed?

Q: My mom passed and left her house to me in her will. My niece and nephew are listed on the deed along with me. Her will only names me as sole heir. Do they own any of the house?

A: If the deed is joint tenants with right of survivorship, the property upon death passes to the surviving tenants. So in this case, your mom’s share passes to your niece and nephew. If the deed is tenants in common, the deceased tenant’s share goes into their estate. In this case, one third of the house would pass through your mom’s will to you as a sole heir in the will. Don’t do anything until you have a local attorney review the will and deed for you.

What happens if I relinquish my rights as an executor of my father’s will?

Q: My two sisters and I were named co-executors of my father’s will. Both my sisters have asked if I would relinquish my rights as an executor since they were named joint powers of attorney for my mother who has Alzheimer’s. If I relinquish my rights how will this affect future decisions for my mother and the handling of the estate in my father’s will?

A: I am not sure what the connection is with your mother’s POA and you being tri-executor of your father’s will. By renouncing your right to be executor of your father’s will, you do not lose any right of inheritance, you just give up your right to administer the estate and charge a fee for your services, which could be 5% of the gross estate. Being executor requires a great deal of work sometimes and can be time consuming and stressful. If the fee is an issue, ask your sisters to split the 5% three ways. You would also be giving up the right to make decisions of how the estate is administered. However, unless there are unusual issues with the estate, most are pretty straightforward, especially if a lawyer is involved.